Hello Business Owners!

Welcome to my first blog.

Water loving labbe
Gratuitous doggie picture

A friend shamed me into starting this blog.  He pointed out to me that I expended a lot of time, energy and money pursuing a University degree and that I don’t use this knowledge for anything practical.

I majored in Creative Writing.   Real life had not yet jaded me.  I enjoyed writing.  My teenaged self was convinced that the only way to lead a happy life was to pursue your passion.  I hadn’t yet learned the value of practicality.  I was going to write the great Canadian novel by the time I was 25 and make tons of money.  Everyone would love it and I would buy a cabin in the woods and write fiction on my porch while squirrels squirreled around at my feet.  Romantic?  Yes.  Likely?  Not really.  After thousands (emphasis on the “S”) of dollars in student loans and three years I will never get back, I came to my senses.

Why accounting?  Why did a teenager who hated trigonometry so much she dropped the class decide on a career with so much MATH?   Accounting, to me, is like a big puzzle with money.  I like puzzles.  I started working in accounting because I was at the right place at the right time, and I pursued it as a career because I really loved it.  It satisfies my need to always keep things in order.  The left side of my brain is content.

This blog will consist of a lot of general small business tips.   I will try to provide you with useful knowledge of a wide range of business topics without boring the socks off of you.  Occasionally there will be pictures, and possible a guest writer here and there.  Thank you for reading.

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